Friday, April 07, 2006

1 night in Bangkok

So we finally arrived in Bangkok, weird.

Naah, it's actually vey cool and cheap, except for the beers, but I guess you have to make money somehow. I haven't actually managed to upload any photos, will do that on Sunday when we're in Ho Chi Minh City (Loesil - ek sal vir jou spesiaal 'n paar x-toff classics oplaai).

It's hot here, real hot here. This place makes the Kalahari or Karoo look like amateurs in the "Bake your balls" game. Everyday is in the high 30s and humidity trickles teasingly somewhere between 90% and 100%. Luckily, nearly every second place is air-conditioned (even the main bus service is specially named the AC Bus), the beers are always cold, and the munchies are killer - especially the fresh fruit which the vendors sell along the road in these big glass boxes packed with ice.

We're off to see the Emerald Buddha (...the wonderful Buddha of Oz) and the Floating Marketplace today or tomorrow - unfortunately you can't take photoes of the Buddha because he's quite the man around here or something and is supposedly not fond of mere mortals capturing his image on film.

We had a crazy Tuk-Tuk rampage across town yesterday, Christoff just closed his eyes and prayed - something he did often on the way to Banglamphu from the airport. These guys don't really stop for anything - ever -they just sorta swerve around, up the sidewalk and over.

Anyways, will post the photos over the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oi geezer, good to hear you made it safely to the East. I hope you walked throught the airport turnstile sideways. Dont touch the little girls. Some dude called Gary Glitter (Apparently some kind of English celebrity) just got chucked in jail for 7years for doing that in thailand so check ID's before you lay into the ladies. Hehe. LAtah

Anonymous said...

hi dude!ja-nee, klink my julle het al klaar 'n ball...en ek weet presies hoe Christoff gelyk het op die tuk-tuk-rit - hy was net so vreesbevange toe ons gaan duine ry in Arniston. Een wenk: moenie weer met hom travel op vinnige/gevaarlike goed nie. Sy gestel is mos sensitfief! Gepraat van....hoe gaan dit met die epicuran journey? Jou lekkerbekkigheid jou al tot by die kobra se galblaas geneem?
Is jul nou al in Nam? The clock's ticking...nog net 25 dae oor dan moet julle werk he!
Oakey doakes, gesels later. Onthou tog om jul no's vir my te stuur.

Tata, hasie has has!


Anonymous said...

Jis ja!

Dié een is sommer net dat jy opgewonde kan raak oor al die comments...sien jy kry nie eintlik baie van hulle nie. Nou weet jy wie is jou beste maatjies: Ek en Allan (of ek dink Mullet is Allan...enigste ander mens wat ek ken wat van 'n geezer praat!)


Anonymous said...

Hey hey, hoelykit da poen-kop? Sien jy kap dit rustig in nam, drink 'n bier, check religious effigies uit. Jawat, ek sit hie in my office innie BJ. Imagine nou daai ene, hieso issit dit ook air-conditioned, die hele-tyd. Mense verkoop fruit orals, jawat, ek eet fruit die hele tyd, hieso. Ma anyway, moet nou ma werkies doen. Ek check jou later burger-kop, wees lekker, enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Hos Hos Tokolos!

Wan tannaa wat wat! Whats up in the place of the Nam jammin! Checks like you got yourself straight into the creepy creepies and the wild missions.

Wishin you safe journeys, strong tummies and highly immune systems . . . and as always don't do like the rest do and come back here with a wife or something (lady-boy?).

And say awe to my cousin Buddah - tell him to take a break and stretch his legs a bit - his giving me a cramp.

Once, Enjoy!

Da Jew

Anonymous said...

hey brother! welcome to the east!lekker om te hoor jy het n hot tyd, now you know what I'm talking about! wil graag oor vlieg vietnam toe vir n naweek of so maar ek is bietjie stranded op die eiland.wanneer kom jy Taiwan toe? sal jou later mail