Remember the Horsing Around post about how organised crime and drugs are hitting sport in SA and how Os du Randt may or may not be at the forefront of a Ketamine revolution in sports? Well it seems I may have inaccurately portrayed the fact that horse tranquilisers and amphetamines are probably of little use to athletes. Via Eyebeam Reblog, I read an article on how 18 chronically depressed patients were given Ketamine, and visibly cheered up within 2 hours.
Now see, I don't know if that was because they were imagining themselves in a hanamachi with three geishas in full attire tickling the small of their back (whilst still scuba-diving on their dodgy apartment floor), a few scantily-dressed Egyptian boys fanning them with palm fronds and feeding them globules of grapes, because Kate Moss was sitting cross-legged across their mid-riffs, lips slightly brushing their ears humming along to Pete Doherty's The Libertines, or whether - like other anti-depressants, it justs inhibits the uptake of serotonin.
Whatever the case - Ketamine makes you happy. So throw away the Prozac girls and boys and partake in the consumption of the only anti-depressant that, in only small doses, will have you holding long conversations with your refrigerator, skateboarding without a board and swinging from a toothpick. It's the breakfast of champion junkies, the special K, the Kesh, the Hoss hoss albatross - soon to be released at a pharmacy near you (make sure you're down with the lingo otherwise your prescription might not go through).
Now see, I don't know if that was because they were imagining themselves in a hanamachi with three geishas in full attire tickling the small of their back (whilst still scuba-diving on their dodgy apartment floor), a few scantily-dressed Egyptian boys fanning them with palm fronds and feeding them globules of grapes, because Kate Moss was sitting cross-legged across their mid-riffs, lips slightly brushing their ears humming along to Pete Doherty's The Libertines, or whether - like other anti-depressants, it justs inhibits the uptake of serotonin.
Whatever the case - Ketamine makes you happy. So throw away the Prozac girls and boys and partake in the consumption of the only anti-depressant that, in only small doses, will have you holding long conversations with your refrigerator, skateboarding without a board and swinging from a toothpick. It's the breakfast of champion junkies, the special K, the Kesh, the Hoss hoss albatross - soon to be released at a pharmacy near you (make sure you're down with the lingo otherwise your prescription might not go through).
Dêmmit as ek geweet het daar's R1600 kontant in daai kleedkamers was dit dalk ek wat dit gegaps het.
hehe :D
My se stilte is eintlik te danke aan die oulike sportmense wat my net laat werk as daar regtig werk is. Nikse van hier gesitery as daar eintlik niks is om te doen nie.
Verder wil ek kommentaar lewer op SWAK joernalistiek vanuit die Kaap! Ek is eintlik nou sommer boos oor daai simpel Dale Granger van die Argus wat kom staat en beweer Gary Botha het op Derick Hougaard getrap. Belaglik! [hierdie is net vir Loesil om ons terug op die goeie sport-pad te kry! ;) ]
Kyk hier's nou 'n hele essay om op te maak vir al die stil tye.
As ek geweet het hoe om foto's by die comments te laai sou ek ons altyd-opsoek-na-sensasie vyande Argus se foto's hier gepaste het.
Onderstaande is al wat gebeur:
So, dit is nou jammer ons kan nie die kaarte op die tafel gooi en dan kon elkeen vir homself besluit het!
En ja, Alet, ek glo jy sukkel om die smalle-sportweg te betree ná die naweek se soetsuur-jolyt in die Rosestad!!!
Dammit - die groot Afrikaans lat my kop draai - mail vir my die bleddie foto dan plak ek die ding hier op dan kan ons almal besluit wie het op wie se kop getrap en wie het wie se geld gesteel, meisie gevry, ouma gevloek etc.
Ons het nie bewyse nodig nie: My spanlede sal nie op mekaar trap nie en dis dit!!!
Ek mail dit onmiddellik! En Alet, ek sou nie so seker wees dat "jou span" hulle net aan goeie gedrag skuldig maak nie!
Wat dink die res van julle? En vir die wat nie weet nie, Alet se span is die mensies in ligblou.
My eie lojaliteit teenoor ligblou strek natuurlik baie ver - Alonso, jou doring!
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